Sunday, April 24, 2011

Artists + Work

Linear B, 2001
Tony Feher
plastic bottles, caps,
galvanized steel D-chain,
stainless steel wire, water
and cotton sash cord
95 in. x 18 in.

Currently exhibited in WAM's

Art Since the Mid-20th Century Installation

Monday, April 4, 2011

2x4's by Joanne Holtje

2 x 4's
Winter 2011

A nice write up and more images
can be found on Joanne's blog:

Also, see P.V. Trees post.

P.V. Trees by Joanne Holtje

P.V. Trees
Winter 2011

Project Statement

This piece was the second part of a project I did for the Contemporary Sculpture
Class at the Worcester Art Museum this winter.  The assignment was to take an
eight foot-long 2x4 and transform it.

First, I crudely carved the lumber with a small axe until it resembled a spindly tree,
and then cast a concrete base as a stand.  Next, I knew I wanted to use the chips
that splintered off of the 2x4’s to make another sort of “tree.”  I finally settled on water
(ice) as the medium in which to cast the wood bits.

I filled two eight foot lengths of PCV pipe with the wood chips and water and let them
freeze in the cold February temperatures we have here in Massachusetts.  Hot water
was used to release the “trees” from their molds and they were stood up in the deep snow.

I have photographed them daily as they melted and crumbled, got snowed on and melted
some more. As of April 01, 2011, I am still documenting the wood chips.  It is my intention
to make some sort of a piece with the best of the resulting photographs.

To see more of Joanne Holtje's work visit Room E Studio.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Artists + Work

Views Through a Sand Dune, 1972
Narragansett Beach

Holt is most widely known for her large-scale environmental works,
Sun Tunnels and Dark Star Park.  She was born in Worcester, grew
up in New Jersey, and was married to Robert Smithson.

(This is the video project from 1974 with Richard Serra, Boomerang,
mentioned during the deCordova trip April 2.)